Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Adidas King Of The Road 2009

The Shah Alam Adidas King of the Road event returns!

This time around, the event will be held at Stadium Shah Alam, Shah Alam on Sunday, 2 August 2009. Flag-off time is 6.30 am. The run is divided into 4 categories of 6km, 8km, 11km and 22km. Entries are expected to reach more than 10,000.

There are more than RM80,000 worth of prizes to be won, apart from the 2,350 Finisher Medals that are up for grabs. Certificates of Achievement will also be issued to those who completed the race within the qualifying time stipulated for each category. Special prizes will also be awarded to the 1st top ten Malaysian finishers in the Men and Women Open 22km.

Closing date for entries is on Friday, 3 July 2009. Hurry!

See ya all at the run!

Setia Alam Breakfast Run

A breakfast run, organised by Klang Pacers Athletics Club will held on Labour Day, 1 May 2009 at Setia Alam, Shah Alam.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Balance 15 Km Run

The 7th edition of the New Balance Pacesetters 15 km run will be held on 17 May 2009 at Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur The run features six categories of men's and women's open, veteran and senior veteran. The run will be flagged-off at 7.00 am.

The top five winners of each category will be awarded prizes in the form of New Balance product vouchers worth RM1,000 (1st), RM800 (2nd), RM600 (3rd), RM400 (4th) and RM200 (5th), in addition to trophies and medals.

Entry forms can be obtained from the PACM office at 37 Blok C, Lorong Jugra, Taman Sri Lempah, 3 1/2 Miles Jalan Klang Lama, Kuala Lumpur or at PACM counters at key public races in the run-up to this event or online at http://www.pacesetters.com.my/.

See ya all at the starting line!

Larian Bersama BOMBA 2009

Larian Bersama BOMBA 2009 will be held on Sunday 10 May 2009. The 10 km run will be flagged-off at 7.30 am at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur.

Click here for the entry form. For further details, contact Tuan Saiful of Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat WP Kuala Lumpur at 03-21484444.

See ya all at the run!

Kota Kemuning Shoestring Run 2009

The Shoestring Run is back! Held for the 3rd consecutive year, Shoestring Run 2009 will be held again right here in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam on Sunday 31 May 2009.

The run is organised by Touch 'n Grow Community Support with the aim;

  • to promote better quality family living
  • to educate the community on how to improve their quality of life
  • to provide a channel for organisations to communicate their concern for the community
  • to foster close family and communal ties

For further details, please click here to check out the brochures.

See ya all at the run!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bidor Half-Marathon 2009

The Bidor Half Marathon 2009 is back again and all are invited to join in the fun organised by the Bidor Runners Sports and Recreation Club. It will be held at the Dewan Muhibbah Bidor in Bidor, Perak. Flag-off will be at 7.00 am on 26 April 2009 (Sunday).

The half-marathon is divided into 12 categories of either the 21km, 10km or the 3km fun run, catering to all age groups. The entry fees for adults is RM35 per person while school and higher learning students need to pay only RM20 each.

The top three finishers for eight categories would stand a chance to win a two-day, one-night Explore Nature package for two at My Gopeng Resort. Medals and certificates will be issued to all contestants who finish the run within a stipulated qualifying time.

Anyone interested to join in the run can download the entry forms from http://www.pacesetters.com.my/ and the closing date for registration is 10 April 2009. For further details, you can contact Leng Ka Nyan at 016-5268832 or Koo Chee Khin at 012-5027218 or Ong Ngan Fatt at 012-4329119 or Beh Boon Huat at 017-5721721 respectively.

All participants can collect their T-shirts and running numbers at Tukang Jahit Mexico along Jalan Panggung Wayang, Bidor, from April 18 to April 25 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.

See ya all at the run!

Orange Run 2009

Orange Run which is an annual event organised by BHPetrol will be held for the fourth time this year on 12 April 2009 (Sunday). It's FREE ENTRY! Let's join for the run and fun!

It will be held at The Piazza @ The Curve in Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya. The 11km run will be flagged-off at 7.30 pm. Closing date to register for the run is on 5 April 2009.

See ya all the run!

Contact Us

Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at kk.pacers@gmail.com or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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