Monday, October 26, 2009

Mizuno Wave Run 2009

Kota Kemuning Pacers registered 37 members for the run and while some had to opt out at the last minute due to work commitments, injuries and family matters, the rest of the registrants who had been gungho about the run for weeks, turned up in high spirit.

We made it to the new venue at Universiti Putra Malaysia in Serdang in a convoy of 8 cars. 4000 people were reported to have turned up for the run. There were some fresh faces in our group of runners. Though gungho and high spirited, whiff of jitters still permeates the air due to the news of undulating routes, especially when nearing the finish.

A hearty CONGRATULATIONS goes out to all our runners!

Click here not only to catch our runners in action but many other runners who triumphantly crossed the finish line.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Klang Centro Community Run 2009

The first Klang Centro Community Run 2009, aimed to promote healthy pursuits and sporting activities in Klang whilst at the same time foster unity among neighbors, was held this morning at Centro Building, Klang.

Kota Kemuning Pacers was there. Among a yellow sea of participants from all over the Klang Valley, our 19 runners were ready for the challenge with families in-tow to provide their moral support. While the adults were registered in their respective category for the 6km run, 3 of our kids joined the fun run in the school boys and school girls categories. Well done to Victor, Deric, Timothy and Rachel, the future road-racers of Kota Kemuning!

Behold! Another proud moment to be chronicled into the history of Kota Kemuning Pacers Club. Our very own speed-fiend, Lavin came in with the top-10 runners in the 6th placing. It's the second time that she has emerged within the top-10 positions after catching the running bug since May this year. The first was during Adidas KOTR in August.

CONGRATULATIONS LAVIN!!! We are so proud of you and we are confident that all future races in your category has a top placing already carved out for you. Keep it up!

As for the rest of us, what is Klang without Bah Kut Teh. More than 20 of us rewarded ourselves with a sumptious breakfast at the famous Teluk Pulai Bak Kut Teh at nearby Taman Rasna. Talk about sporting activities, YES! Talk about healthy pursuits ... huh?

For more, check out today's activities at our Photo Album by clicking on this link.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ekiden Run 2009

Hey Everyone!!!

After a month's break from competitive runs, we are back in action at the Ekiden Run 2009 last Sunday. Triumphant day too when our all-ladies team "KK Pacers Subarashi" came in the 6th place among 16 teams who participated. Only damper ... we missed the trophy by one placing.

The mixed and all-men teams also did very well. Mixed team "KK Pacers Rush Hour" grabbed the 15th placing from about 150 participating teams, while "KK Pacers V" came in at the 44th placing, out of 93 teams in the all-men category.

Congratulations to all our members who took part in the event!

Catch our activities there. Bare-bodied man, woman undressing, woman wearing pants ... see if you can catch the likes at our Photo Album.

Click here.

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Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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