Sunday, December 20, 2009

Malakoff 12km 2009

An interesting morning ... it was indeed an interesting run today.

This year's run was very well organised without any hiccups or anything in between to complain about. However, the following surprises were surely worth mentioning:-

  1. No run for Captain Steven today! He had to contend to being on the sideline with the cheering crowd due to the pain on his right knee. Possibly an injury sustained during the PBIM last month. We know his feet was itching to run since he had his gear all ready just in case. But alas, it's a risk not worth taking if he does not want to be on the sideline again in the coming Putrajaya Night Marathon.

  2. A race to a marriage proposal ... ha! a special occasion indeed. We were all at awe when a young chap ran across the finish line with a bouquet of roses in his arm. Upon crossing the finish line, he made the beeline for a pretty lass among the spectators, knelt down and you got it! A newly engaged couple! Wonder when's the wedding day? Who knows ... perhaps one of these days, a bride and groom might be running with you to a wedding reception at the finish line. Wow! then all the runners can toast "Yam Seng" to the lucky couple.

  3. During the New Balance KPAC Half-Marathon on 7 June 2009, Captain Steven gave his half-marathon medal to Lavin as a reward promised to her for finshing the 10km race as a phanthom runner.

    Today, Lavin so graciously extended her appreciation to our captain with her own medal achieved today. They are truly passionate runners with big hearts.

Everyone who crossed the finish line today went home with a finisher medal. Well done ya all!

Our photo album is ready for your viewing pleasure. Click here and enjoy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009

The annual Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 completed successfully on 6 December 2009 where 2 members from Kota Kemuning Pacers made their first attempt triumphantly.

Edmund ... The Running Rooster, who started his running hobby in February 2008 had only recently on 28 June 2009 completed the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon well within his target of 4:30 hours. Although he had not met his targeted completion in 4:15 hours for this marathon, his feat that finished at 4:22:22 hours is indeed as glorious. Well done and CONGRATULATIONS Edmund! We certainly share your aspiration to complete the next year's Singapore Marathon at sub-4 hours.

For CG Lim, the Singapore Marathon was his maiden try in a full marathon. Having only started his running hobby in October 2008, Lim's running abilities has certainly developed from strength to strength and culminated in his completion of the 42.195km race in 4:55:55 hours. Only a week upon his return from the race, Lim is already in training for the coming Putrajaya Night Marathon in February 2010. CONGRATULATIONS! You've definitely caught the running bug!

To our 2 members and certainly to all who had crossed the finish line at the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009, you can now proudly say, "I am a finisher!"

Monday, December 14, 2009

2010 Event Calendar and Registration Information

LATEST Event Calendar for 2010 - a list of races/runs have been lined up! You may refer to the side bar (mouse over each event or click into our Activities Section for further details).

QUICK! The list is and the registrations are going fast!

Kota Kemuning Pacers' Admin Office will assist our members with the registrations whenever there are 5 or more members who are interested to participate for each event. If there are lesser participants, the members are encouraged to send in their respective entries personally.

Please also note as follows:

  1. Members interested to register for any runs are requested to inform our Admin Office or email to us as early as possible or latest 2 weeks before the closing date.

  2. No further notice/reminder will be issued. Once the club's registrations have been submitted to the organisers, other interested members will have to proceed to register on their own.

  3. All registration fees are to be paid at the Admin Office between 9.00am to 5.00pm (Mon-Fri) or during our regular nite run, once you have officiated your participations.

Enjoy another year of wonderful runs and healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Talk At The Matahari Club, Bukit Rimau

Yesterday evening, Kota Kemuning Pacers were invited to give a talk about running activities during a 'POTBLESS' organised by the church members from the Assembly of God. It was an unexpected surprise to have been given the recognition to conduct such a talk.

Once again, we would like to thank the organisers of the 'POTBLESS' for extending us the opportunity to 'PLY OUR TRADE'. We sincerely hope that we have succeeded to relay the message to all the attendees on the general idea of "STAYING HEALTHY THROUGH SHARING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THE COMMUNITY".

As our slogan goes, "Running is real and relatively simple" and it's applicable to everyone. Running is indeed real as each and everyone of us are born with this natural gift. Simple because we are in control ... we are constantly in the driver's seat ... we decide when we choose to just get up and GO!

For all the other members of Kota Kemuning Pacers who could not join us at the 'POTBLESS', here's a little glimpse into the array of home-cooked food and the activities held yesterday.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Larian Rakyat: Another Star Is Born!

Larian Rakyat was held this morning at I-City, Section 7, Shah Alam in conjunction with the 64th birthday of DYMM Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

An estimated 1,500 people signed up for the run consisting the 7km, 10km and family-run categories. Proceeds from the run will be donated to the "Tabung Bantuan Bencana Alam" and other charitable organisations.

In today's Larian Rakyat, another star was born! Sandy who decided to participate in the 7km run at the last minute, bagged her very first medal today. She also brought her "lucky star" with her as she won a present at the Lucky Draw. CONGRATULATIONS SANDY! May this be a stepping stone to more medals in the near future.

Another feat was achieved by our super-heroine, "Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl" who completed the women 10km category in the 5th position. This time she bagged a cash prize of RM100.00 too. Hey Girl, you rock! Run on!

Also not forgetting our Captain's 'ling' ... Cheryl! She too finished well at the 10th position in her category for the 7km run and 'ran away' with one of the limited medals on offer. CONGRATS Cheryl!

Catch all the actions on this link and see if you can find yourself running towards the finish line. CHEERS!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Salomon X-Trail Run 2009

For the past week, it certainly looks like it is going to be a muddy affair at the Salomon X-Trail Run in Taman Lembah Kiara. Fortunately, came 6 December 2009, we were blessed with a beautiful morning, albeit some slight drizzle by mid-morning. I guess for some it certainly made the trail run all the more exciting. Well, rain or shine, some of our members had come prepared with their "Adidas Kampong".

The inaugural Salomon X-Trail Run 2009 took off almost 20 minutes late, with close to 800 participants taking part in the 10km and 4km runs. The marshalls did not seem to be well briefed as they were even unsure in which direction the run will start. Some participants came back frustrated when they were pointed in the wrong direction inside the trail. One angry participant complained that he was directed onto the same path twice, losing his time and energy. Even the top 3 runners were not spared as they cross the finish line in the wrong direction, catching everyone by surprise!

Even before the race day, most participants had already felt they were short-changed when they collected their T'shirts. They were not issued according to the requested sizes. The smallest was 'M' and being of larger cut, the T'shirts would definitely be oversized, especially for most women participants.

All participants who completed the run will be entitled to the Salomon pouch. With an entrance fee of RM60.00, one would expect to take home a good condition pouch. When one of our member requested for a replacement for his defective pouch, the counter-staff tried to do a on-the-spot repair work! Cheap ... really cheap.

Anyway, amid all the frustrations and grouses, well done to all our members and everyone who completed the run, irrespective they were on the right route, delayed or lost. Let's hope the organisers will be more organised and coordinated next year.

Our photo album is now ready for viewing in Part 1 & Part 2. Click and see if you can find yourself crossing the finish line. Cheerio!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Meeza BOLEH!!!

On Sunday, 22 November 2009, while some of us were at the Penang Bridge International Marathon, one of our members were having fun at the inaugral 'Larian Ceria 1 Malaysia DUKETHON 2009' organised by Konsortium Lebuhraya Utara – Timur Kuala Lumpur (KL) Sdn Bhd (KESTURI).

The 5km run was held at Batu Tol Plaza, DUKE Highway from 8.00 am and was officiated by YB Minister of Works, Dato' Shaziman Abu Mansor. The event was intended to promote the DUKE Highway among the road users. Approximately, 2,000 participants took part drawn by the cash prizes amounted to RM200,000.00.

A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to our young lady, Meeza who came in at the 35th position at the run. Though our camerawoman could not be there to cover the event and capture her proud moments, here are some of the pics shared by Meeza.


Kuala Lumpur Masters (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Association of Veteran Athletes or KLAVA) is organising a City Day Relay with a Difference by combining the relay with charitable effort.

Organised in conjunction with the 36th years Kuala Lumpur City Day celebration and supported by FTAAA, KL Masters will be distributing wheelchairs to individuals/homes.

Date: 31 JANUARY 2010 (SUNDAY)

Venue: Bukit Jalil Sports Complex

Distance: 3km x 3

No of runners: 3 runners per team

Time: 7.00am

Reporting Time: 5.30am - 6.30am


Entry Fees:
RM10 per runner/RM30 per team (MEMBERS)
RM20 per runner/RM60 per team (NON-MEMBERS)

Top 3 Teams in each category (EXCEPT School Boys, School Girls & OKU) will receive -

2nd PLACING - RM600
3rd PLACING - RM400

- Placement Medals for position 4th - 20th
- Participation Medals for all

1) School Girls (12 - 17 years old) (1.1.1998 to 31.12.1993)
2) School Boys (12 - 17 years old) (1.1.1998 to 31.12.1993)
3) Women Open ( Below 35 years old) (Born before 31.12.1975)
4) Women Open Masters (35 years & above) (Born after 1.1.1974)
5) Men Open (Below 35 years) (Born before 31.12.1975)
6) Men Junior Masters (35 - 44 years old) (Born 1.1.1974 to 31.12.1965)
7) Men Senior Masters (45 - 49 years old) (Born 1.1.1966 to 31.12.1950)
8) Men Masters Diamond (60 years & above) (Born 1.1.1949 and before)
9) Mixed Team (At least 0NE lady)
10) Special People (OKU)

Payment by Cash/cheque can be made to -
KL Association of Veteran Athletes

Banker -
Standar Chartered Bank

Account No -

Fax copy of bank-in slip to 03-8926 1953

For more information/registration, please call - Lt.(CD) Dr. Aloysius, President, Kuala Lumpur Masters @ 016 232 3069 or email to

P/S : Should you need any assistance in registration, please feel free to drop Julie Wong a line at or 016 228 4088 (Julie)

Info and details from Julie Wong

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Congratulations to LAVIN !

TWO races within a 4-day interval and both scored a TOP 3rd placing! Fantastic!!

A big salute to our very own speed-fiend from Kota Kemuning - Adreana Lavin or better known as "Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl" ... sound kinda like a super-heroine huh?

CONGRATULATIONS on your achievements in the recent races, Lavin ...

26th Nov - Admiral-New Balance 5km Run at Selangor Turf Club - 3RD PLACING (Individual event)

29th Nov - Klava Back to Nature Relay at Metropolitan Batu, Tmn Mastiara - 3RD PLACING (Teaming with Der Pacemakers Network)

Contact Us

Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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