Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2010

There was a very huge crowd at the event with an estimated participation of over 60000 people and it was certainly a hot hot run at the Singapore International Marathon recently.

Catch some of our KK Pacers in action at the marathon and their achievements:


For more shots at the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2010, please check out at our photo album here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

KK Pacers T's To Clear!!!

Hurry, this is opened to anyone who likes the design of our club T'shirt.
We Need To Clear The Stock ... URGENTLY!!!

Size:XS only
Quantity:5 pieces only

Thursday, September 23, 2010

URGENT ... A Call For Assistance

A young boy who's the son of an acquaintance of a KK Pacers member has been diagnosed with leukemia yesterday. He is only 14 years old and is in need of blood constantly and urgently.

His family is seeking help from friends, relatives and the public to donate blood. It does not matter which blood type you belong to as it will go towards replacing the blood that the young boy will need from the blood bank.

For those who are keen to help, kindly proceed to SJMC, 5th Floor for the blood donation procedure, please mention that you are donating for CHOK ZHI YONG.

Blood donation operation hour in SJMC :-
Mon – Fri : 8.30am – 6pm Saturday : 8.30am – 12.30pm

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lantern Festival Cum Hari Raya Potluck!

Calling all Kota Kemuning Pacers!!!

In conjunction with the Lantern Festival and also Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, we will be organising another potluck get-together at our favorite haunt ... Kota Kemuning Lakeside. It's time for all to have some fun with lanterns and sparklers ... it's either you join your kids or be the kids yourselves!!!

Date: 15 September 2010

Time: 7.00 pm

Venue: Meet @ Pondok [all KK Pacers know this haunt, right?]

Being a potluck, bring whatever food you deem fit as "No Free Food Shall Be Rejected!" If you are up to it, you can come in your usual running attire for our usual Wednesday night run too.

Come, bring your family along and let's enjoy the eve of Malaysia Day together!

Check our photo album for the night over here.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Light-trekking Up Apek Hill

KK Pacers member, Agnes Chew, an avid 'trekking-kaki' has graciously agreed to guide us up Apek Hill in Cheras on Saturday, 28 Aug 2010. Anyone interested, please meet at Kota Kemuning McDonalds at 7.00am.

This is what to expect up at Apek Hill!

Check out our album at Apek Hill here.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Kuala Lumpur Rat Race 2010

Kota Kemuning Pacers participating in the Kuala Lumpur Rat Race 2010 on Tuesday, 3rd August? Not exactly. It's an annual race for charity organised by The Edge and Bursa Malaysia, a platform for the Malaysian corporate world to come together to help the needy. The minimal contribution to sent a team would have been about RM15,000 and this is definitely out of our league even if we can qualify for entry.

Anyhow we are still so proud to be associated with the event as one of our member, Mr. CG Lim won 'The Best Dressed CEO' category when he represented his company, Top Glove Corporation Bhd for the race.

The rat race covers 4.5km through the commercial heart of Kuala Lumpur, starting and finishing at the grounds of Bursa Malaysia with one of the sub-category race for CEOs at 1km. Participants are to run in their office attire and are allowed to carry other ‘executive’ paraphernalia such as mobile phones, PDAs, briefcases and laptops to vie for the ‘Best Dressed’ award. CG Lim and his team came in a costume that uniquely displayed their company's product ... rubber gloves.



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Seremban Half-Marathon 2010

It was certainly an enjoyable trip down to Seremban for the half-marathon last Sunday. While some KK Pacers had only departed at 4.30am on race day itself, some other KK Pacers had already enjoyed a night stay in Port Dickson at the Marina Bay Condominium, courtesy of our members, Mr & Mrs Chew Thong Hin. A huge thanks to them for their warm hospitality.

It also turned out to be surprised run for Cheou Wan Kwai who only knew he was running the half-marathon at the eleventh hour. He had actually planned to attempt his first half-marathon at the Penang Bridge International Marathon in November 2010 but since KK Pacers had mistakenly registered him in this run, he bravely proceeded with an astounding time of 1hr 49mins. Besides, this would definitely go down as a memorable first half-marathon since it is attempted right in his hometown of Seremban. CONGRATULATIONS CHEOU!!! Looks like the half-marathon at PBIM will be a breeze now.

It was also a good run for two of our young runners, Nick and Keith who finished their half-marathon at a personal best of 2hrs 05mins and 2hrs 18mins respectively. Tawfiq who was attempting his second half-marathon, managed an improved timing of 2hrs 24mins. Our Sunshine Lady, Cheryl was so delighted to regain her personal best of 1hr 05mins for the10km despite missing the flag-off by 3mins while hubby, Capt Steven zoomed in at 1hr 45mins for the 21km … just a slight 6mins short of his personal best. Doris completed her 10km at 1hr 10mins with a slight miss of 3mins from her personal best too.

Alt. Capt Ray was lucky to receive a lucky draw coupon with his certificate and medal. However, he only managed to draw a pack of 4 Guinness Malta ... which we have absent-mindedly left in the freezer at the Marina Bay Condominium.

After the run, the KK Pacers convoy proceeded to the Seremban wet market (a glutton square too) for the famous Seremban Hakka Mee, Beef Noodle and Cuttlefish Noodle. Subsequently, everyone left Seremban with at least a pack of the famous Seremban Siew Pow.



To check out your photos at the run, please click here.

Monday, June 28, 2010

SCKLIM 2010 ~ So Many Firsts!

This year there were many firsts for KK Pacers at the marathon of the year, Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur International Marathon 2010.

Cheryl, Keith, Nick, Sean and Vivien participated in the SCKLIM Half-Marathon for the first time while Doris, Jen, Steven and Tawfiq attempted their very first half-marathon. Congratulations to Doris, Jen, Steven and Tawfiq who completed their first 21km in 3hrs 3mins, 2hrs 35mins, 2hrs 38mins and 2hrs 35mins respectively. Just as this lady marathoner said "I CAN DO IT!" and so have you all!! Bravo!!!

Eddie, Joanne, May, Nor Azizan and Sandy also participated for the first time at the marathon of year and finished their respective 10km run in 1hr, 1hr 18mins, 1hr 15mins, 1hr 15mins and 1 hr 26mins. Well done, well done!

Although a number of our KK Pacers had signed up for the full marathon, only a few managed to make it to the event yesterday due to work and personal commitments. There was yet another first as Emily finished her very first full marathon in 6 hours 45mins. What a determined spirit despite that bad stomach and a 15mins' pit-stop at the loo!

Chantelle who rushed back all the way from Singapore just to finished her 5th full marathon completed in 4 hours 17 mins, paced by our Captain Steven. She had aimed to repeat her achievement of sub-4hour in the Gold Coast but nonetheless, it was still a great achievement. Try again Girl! You've done it before and you'll definitely be able to do it again!

To our Captain Steven who is so passionate in helping our members, you had sacrificed your own goal to achieve a personal best of sub-4hr as to honour a promise is so much more important. Thank you!

To all the other participants at the marathon, it's truly a fantastic accomplishment when you finished your respective races. Just as one of the placards said "PAIN IS TEMPORARY!"

To the organisers and all concern, it was an event well planned and coordinated although the race kit collections could do with a little bit more improvement. All in all, it was a successful event. Well done and we look forward to another great run next year!

Check out the event at our photo album here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

MPSJ Carnival & 10km Run

Looks like running season's picking up for KK Pacers again. Another day another run in the bag ... MPSJ 10km Run.

Catch today's photo shots at our photo album here.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Setia ECO Half-Marathon 2010

The photos are out for the half-marathon held on Saturday, 5 June 2010 at Setia Alam, Shah Alam. Check out our photo album here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jog For Hope is a charity run organized by the Tree Huggers Club of Taylors College Sri Hartamas. It is a fund-raising event, and all the funds collected will be directed to charity bodies. The Event will be held as follows :

Sunday, July 18, 2010
8:00am - 1:00pm
Taylor's College Sri Hartamas!

For more details, please visit their facebook at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=121253481234565&ref=ts

Monday, May 3, 2010

Larian Bersama BOMBA 2010

There were new friends who joined us for this run last Sunday morning at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. It was quite a laid-back event which was only flagged off at 7.30am.

Newcomers Joanne, Emily, Nor Azizan and KC Goh successfully completed their run along with our regulars, Captain Steven, Cheryl 'The Sunshine Lady', Mike, Nick, Agnes, Chong, Steven (Oon) and Doris. Joanne, an Australian English teacher based here in Putrajaya, even managed to grab a medal for her inaugural run that morning. It was a most fortunate surprise as she almost did not get to participate when the organisers had insisted for her work permit during registration. All's well that ends well.

CONGRATULATIONS to our Captain Steven, Agnes, Joanne and Emily on their successful positionings within the 100 limited medals put up for grabs in their respective categories.

The photos for the run are now ready for viewing. Enjoy them at our photo album here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bidor Half-Marathon 2010

Hey everyone! The pics for the above run is finally uploaded. So sorry for the delay as my internet connection is pathetic since more than a week now.

So, enjoy the pics. Click here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

UPCOMING RACES - Registration and Rules

Listed below are upcoming races. If you are interested to participate in any of these races, please notify our admin office before the dateline set by KK Pacers. As we are volunteering our services to our members, we would really appreciate your assistance in the following areas :

- For any races, if there are lesser than 5 participants, you are requested to register on your own.
- For any races with online registration facilities, please register yourself.
- You may forward your registration confirmation slip to our admin office by fax 03-51223077 or email cheryl @ cherylmltan@yahoo.com if you need us to collect your race kit for you.
- We will only arrange for race kit collection on your behalf if the there are more than 5 participants.
- Once you submitted your registration, no changes will be entertained. Fees will still be collected.
- We will only undertake bulk registration for major race events. You are requested to submit your payment to our admin office or during Wednesday's Nite Run, once you have submitted your name to us.

- 25 April 2010
- Distance : 21km, 10km. Registration closed

- Fee : RM50/RM40 (PACM)
- Distance : 15km
- Location : Tasik Perdana KL
- Online Registration : www.myraceonline.com (pls register on own)
- Closing date : 16-4-2010 or 4000 runners

ROASTERS CHICKEN RUN '10 - 23 May 2010
- Fee : RM48/RM43
- Distance : ?
- Location : Sunway Lagoon
- Registration : download form - www.krr.com.my
- Closing date : official 16-5-2010; kk pacers 30-4-2010

- Fee : $55.00 - $170.00
- Distance : Ultra (84km), Full, Half, Women 10K
- Location : Changi Exhibition Centre
- Registration : visit www.sundownmarathon.com

- Fee : Early bird RM25/RM20/RM15 or RM35/RM30/RM25
- Distance : 21km, 10km, 4.5km
- Location : Setia Alam Welcome Centre
- Registration : www.themarathonshop.com.my
- Closing Date : Official 23-5-2010 or 2500 runners; kk pacers 3-5-2010

NSTP & MPSJ 10KM RUN & CARNIVAL - 13 Jun 2010
- Fee :
- Distance : 10km
- Location : Kompleks Sukan, Subang Jaya
- Registration : Bangunan MPSJ/Stadium Tertutup MPSJ, Serdang Jaya/Dewan Serbaguna
MPSJ, Puchong Indah/Kompleks 3K MPSJ, Serdang Jaya
- Closing date : Official 30 May 2010; kk pacers 3-5-2010

- Distance : Full, Half, 1okm, 5km (Fun Run), Kids Dash
- Location : Dataran Merdeka
- Registraion : closed (www.kl-marathon.com)

SIEMENS RUN - 18 July 2010 (Further details to be adviced)
- Fee :
- Distance :
- Location : Dataran Merdeka
- Registration :
- Closing :

CENTRO KLANG RUN - 11 July 2010
- Fee : RM30/RM20
- Distance : 12km, 6km
- Location : Centro Klang
- Registration : Centro, Ground Floor, Info Counter
- Closing : Official 20 Jun 2010; kk pacers 26-4-2010

- Fee : RM20/RM15/RM7/RM5
- Distance : 21km, 10km, 7km, 5km
- Location : Stadium Indera Mulia, Ipoh
- Registration : online at www.mbi.gov.my
- Closing : Official 12 July 2010

SHAPE RUN - 24 July 2010 (Further details to be adviced) - Fee :
- Distance :
- Location : Putrajaya
- Registration :
- Closing :

ADIDDAS KING OF THE ROAD - 3 Oct 2010 (Further details to be adviced)
- Fee :
- Distance : 21km/10km/8km/6km
- Location : Stadium Shah Alam
- Registration : Online will be launch April
- Closing :

MIZUNO RUN - 10 Oct 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

12HR RUN - 24 Oct 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

AWANA TRAIL BLAZER - 31 Oct 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

KLANG RUN 4 IT - 7 Nov 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

- Fee :RM60/RM40/RM35/RM20/RM15
- Distance : Full, Half, 10K
- Location : Penang
- Registration : online at www.penangmarathon.gov.my/portal/
- Closing : 21 Oct 2010

84KM ULTRA MARATHON - 12 Dec 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

MALAKOF 12KM RUN - 19 Dec 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

ONE MILE DASH - 31 Dec 2010 (Further details to be adviced)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kota Kemuning Shoestring Run 2010

It was indeed a beautiful weather for a fun family outing on Sunday, 18 April 2009. It rained cats and dogs earlier in the morning and though the ground was still wet, the cooling cloudy weather was a big welcome.

This year, Kota Kemuning Pacers were invited to volunteer our assistance as crew members at the Kota Kemuning Shoestring Run. To the organisers, thank you for allowing us to lend a hand and to gain some insights into organising such an event.

Many families turned out in full force to either participate in the 3km and 7km run and some came to lend their support. This year had a longer route for the participants above 13 years while for those below ran a shorter route of 3km. We can certainly pick out many budding runners in the making amongst the youngsters and some diapered toddlers who completed the run.

Apart from participating in the run, there were also food like cakes, buns, fried nuggets, nasi lemak and mee goreng being offered. Young children were seen lining for their designer balloons from the clown of the day. The event finally ended with a luckydraw and there were none who left without a big smile on their faces. Catch the event here.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It all began when two friends who ran together regularly, constantly joked about an idea of forming a running group within our neighborhood of Kota Kemuning. Jokes and more jokes later, two runners became three and then four. The jokes became talks and more talks until ...

A clueless bystander who had no passion for running at all, decided to tag along during their races. Almost bored with their endless talks, she started a blog to kick-start their aspiration ... Kota Kemuning Pacers Blogspot.Com!

The rest is history and thanks to the support of all its members, Kota Kemuning Pacers celebrates its 1st Anniversary this month.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



LAST CALL ! The shoestring run registration is extended! Have you sign up for the race which is on 18th April 2010? HURRY! You can download the registration form here and submit to :

Shoestring Run 2010

Touch 'n Grow Community Support (Organizer)
No. 1 Jalan Anggerik Eria 31/107, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam
Contact : Ms Ooi Lin (012-3122 403) or Mr Lional Lim (012-217 6164)


Kota Kemuning Pacers
18G, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla Y31/Y, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam
Contact : Ms Cheryl Tan (012-306 2386)

Let's have fun and enjoy the run, the fun, the makan and loads more.....

Monday, March 29, 2010

Energizer Night Race 2010

Complaint … complaint … complaint!!!

I think that’s what’s on everyone’s mind from the day they picked up their race kits to the starting line last Saturday. Why not?

1. The running vest was not available according to size! It’s either too big or too small. For some, it’s no more a running vest … it has turned into a 'nightie' for a guy!

2. There was a “Marathoner Roasts” in Cyberjaya at 6.00pm. Starting the race while the sun was blazing hot!

3. Waiting, waiting, waiting … 2 hours between the 42km and 21km and an hour’s wait between the 21km and 10km.

4. Not enough route markers … some runners even ended running extra kilometers!

5. There was just not enough sponging for the runners who started later, especially the half-marathoners!

6. There were dark unattended spots along the running routes … definitely danger in waiting, especially for the women runners. Luckily, nothing untoward had happened!

7. Looks like the full-marathoners had been short-changed! The actual distance was only 40.78km (according to Der Pacemakers Network). With so much publicity put in, the organizers should have ensured that the distance was according to international standard.

8. The location of the finish line was definitely not strategic. It seemed to be the only entry and exit to the race venue. Ambulances, sponsor vehicles, private cars, motorbikes were going in and out all the time. Picture KK Pacers’ Captain, Steven being tailed by 2 Fly-fm cars for almost a kilometers towards the finish line. Imagine some of the runners running straight into these vehicles driving out from the finish line … how dangerous!

9. There were no barricades at the finish line to block out the spectators and the runners who had finished their respective races. Apart from those vehicles, the runners running to the finish had to contend with people taking souvenior shots at the finish line, selfishly oblivious to runners trying to finish their race at the cramped finish line.

10. Goodies bag and medal collection counters were so far away from the finish line … >500 metres!

Despite the complaints, it was a great night for KK Pacers, especially our captains, Steven and Raymond. Steven finished his 42km race at the 7th position within 4 hours 06 minutes while Raymond with an improved personal best at the 28th position within 4 hours 32 minutes. Our lady star, Vivienne finished her very first full-marathon at the 13th position within 5 hours 35 mins. Nik Anba also completed his very first full-marathon at the 73rd position within 5 hours 20 mins.

Our Sunshine Lady, Cheryl also managed to complete her 21km race within improved timing while 2 young runners, Sean and Keith did good respectively on their first try in this category. Two other first timers at the 10km category, Eddy and Sandy also made it to the finish line within good timings while Cheou and Nicholas improved their own timing in the same category.

To all the other KK Pacers; “CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ALL DID GREAT!!!"

To check out our photo album, click here.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chinese New Year Potluck

Hey, it was great company making it a fabulous night ... a wonderful 'Chor Lok Mun'. Our potluck was held at Kemuning Hills and our appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. Teoh for putting up their home for the potluck get-together.

To catch the array of food, the members who made it and the culminating fun that night, please click here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Kota Kemuning Pacers, let's roar with the TIGER and set new heights in the coming year.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Putrajaya Night Marathon 2010

Another night run at Putrajaya. The plus point is that there was no hot sun shining down our butts but on the other hand, it was still hot and humid throughout. Putrajaya was totally dry despite the heavy rain in Kota Kemuning when we left.

As usual, some of our runners did very well, improving their personal best while another new star from our midst ran away with the RM200 prize money. Ms Ho Chik Siew finished her first 21km among the 25 top placings. What a nice early 'angpow' for the Chinese New Year!

CONGRATULATIONS to Ms Ho on her win and may there be many many more to come. A big hand also goes out to Cheou and Victor who became 'phantom runners' at the race. Their running spirits were not dampened despite not being able to register for the race due to the huge response.

There's a bitter sweet news for Kota Kemuning Pacers as our super-heroine, Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl will be heading to Bintulu tomorrow as she joins her hubby on his temporary medical stint there. She'll also be hanging up her running shoes for the next sweet and proud '9 months' ... CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family, Lavin!

For our camerawoman, it was another dampened effort to capture the glory of the runners at a night race. All was not lost though as she managed to grab some video shots.

To access our Photo Album, please click here.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Balance Pacesetters 30Km 2010

Hey folks! The photos for the New Balance Pacesetters 30km run is out.

Our superheroine, Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl attempted her first 30km successfully. Look at her pics, no sweat! Not far behind were our two hot sexy mamas, Vivienne and Cheryl who ran the 20km run with improved timings since their first try of the 21km at the Penang Bridge International Marathon. Looks like Lady Power rising at Kota Kemuning Pacers Club!

Agnes surprised us this time round by participating in the 10km run only at the last minute, accompanied by her friend, Steven (not Captain Steven) and Vivienne's son, Sean. Sadly no photos for the 10km finishers as they ended at a different corner.

It was an unusual day though at the guys' camp when our captain and alternate captain, Steven and Ray were nowhere to be seen at the finish line. They had become 'phanthom-runners' at the 30km run as they had not sign up. Instead they ran the distance in support of our members who had participated as well as part of their training for the upcoming Putrajaya Night Marathon.

For our other male members, you guys as usual are the powers to be ... Bernard, Edmund, Fun, Nick and Riq ... no sweat to complete the 30km judging from the happy faces at the finish line. Even Bernard's Uncle came in with big smile.

Congratulations to all for a great run and well-improved finish. Check out our photo album over at this link.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!

Kota Kemuning Pacers wishes everyone ...


Contact Us

Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at kk.pacers@gmail.com or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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