Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Balance Pacesetters 30Km 2010

Hey folks! The photos for the New Balance Pacesetters 30km run is out.

Our superheroine, Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl attempted her first 30km successfully. Look at her pics, no sweat! Not far behind were our two hot sexy mamas, Vivienne and Cheryl who ran the 20km run with improved timings since their first try of the 21km at the Penang Bridge International Marathon. Looks like Lady Power rising at Kota Kemuning Pacers Club!

Agnes surprised us this time round by participating in the 10km run only at the last minute, accompanied by her friend, Steven (not Captain Steven) and Vivienne's son, Sean. Sadly no photos for the 10km finishers as they ended at a different corner.

It was an unusual day though at the guys' camp when our captain and alternate captain, Steven and Ray were nowhere to be seen at the finish line. They had become 'phanthom-runners' at the 30km run as they had not sign up. Instead they ran the distance in support of our members who had participated as well as part of their training for the upcoming Putrajaya Night Marathon.

For our other male members, you guys as usual are the powers to be ... Bernard, Edmund, Fun, Nick and Riq ... no sweat to complete the 30km judging from the happy faces at the finish line. Even Bernard's Uncle came in with big smile.

Congratulations to all for a great run and well-improved finish. Check out our photo album over at this link.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!

Kota Kemuning Pacers wishes everyone ...


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Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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