Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Seremban Half-Marathon 2010

It was certainly an enjoyable trip down to Seremban for the half-marathon last Sunday. While some KK Pacers had only departed at 4.30am on race day itself, some other KK Pacers had already enjoyed a night stay in Port Dickson at the Marina Bay Condominium, courtesy of our members, Mr & Mrs Chew Thong Hin. A huge thanks to them for their warm hospitality.

It also turned out to be surprised run for Cheou Wan Kwai who only knew he was running the half-marathon at the eleventh hour. He had actually planned to attempt his first half-marathon at the Penang Bridge International Marathon in November 2010 but since KK Pacers had mistakenly registered him in this run, he bravely proceeded with an astounding time of 1hr 49mins. Besides, this would definitely go down as a memorable first half-marathon since it is attempted right in his hometown of Seremban. CONGRATULATIONS CHEOU!!! Looks like the half-marathon at PBIM will be a breeze now.

It was also a good run for two of our young runners, Nick and Keith who finished their half-marathon at a personal best of 2hrs 05mins and 2hrs 18mins respectively. Tawfiq who was attempting his second half-marathon, managed an improved timing of 2hrs 24mins. Our Sunshine Lady, Cheryl was so delighted to regain her personal best of 1hr 05mins for the10km despite missing the flag-off by 3mins while hubby, Capt Steven zoomed in at 1hr 45mins for the 21km … just a slight 6mins short of his personal best. Doris completed her 10km at 1hr 10mins with a slight miss of 3mins from her personal best too.

Alt. Capt Ray was lucky to receive a lucky draw coupon with his certificate and medal. However, he only managed to draw a pack of 4 Guinness Malta ... which we have absent-mindedly left in the freezer at the Marina Bay Condominium.

After the run, the KK Pacers convoy proceeded to the Seremban wet market (a glutton square too) for the famous Seremban Hakka Mee, Beef Noodle and Cuttlefish Noodle. Subsequently, everyone left Seremban with at least a pack of the famous Seremban Siew Pow.



To check out your photos at the run, please click here.

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Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at kk.pacers@gmail.com or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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