Thursday, September 23, 2010

URGENT ... A Call For Assistance

A young boy who's the son of an acquaintance of a KK Pacers member has been diagnosed with leukemia yesterday. He is only 14 years old and is in need of blood constantly and urgently.

His family is seeking help from friends, relatives and the public to donate blood. It does not matter which blood type you belong to as it will go towards replacing the blood that the young boy will need from the blood bank.

For those who are keen to help, kindly proceed to SJMC, 5th Floor for the blood donation procedure, please mention that you are donating for CHOK ZHI YONG.

Blood donation operation hour in SJMC :-
Mon – Fri : 8.30am – 6pm Saturday : 8.30am – 12.30pm

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lantern Festival Cum Hari Raya Potluck!

Calling all Kota Kemuning Pacers!!!

In conjunction with the Lantern Festival and also Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, we will be organising another potluck get-together at our favorite haunt ... Kota Kemuning Lakeside. It's time for all to have some fun with lanterns and sparklers ... it's either you join your kids or be the kids yourselves!!!

Date: 15 September 2010

Time: 7.00 pm

Venue: Meet @ Pondok [all KK Pacers know this haunt, right?]

Being a potluck, bring whatever food you deem fit as "No Free Food Shall Be Rejected!" If you are up to it, you can come in your usual running attire for our usual Wednesday night run too.

Come, bring your family along and let's enjoy the eve of Malaysia Day together!

Check our photo album for the night over here.

Contact Us

Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

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