Sunday, December 20, 2009

Malakoff 12km 2009

An interesting morning ... it was indeed an interesting run today.

This year's run was very well organised without any hiccups or anything in between to complain about. However, the following surprises were surely worth mentioning:-

  1. No run for Captain Steven today! He had to contend to being on the sideline with the cheering crowd due to the pain on his right knee. Possibly an injury sustained during the PBIM last month. We know his feet was itching to run since he had his gear all ready just in case. But alas, it's a risk not worth taking if he does not want to be on the sideline again in the coming Putrajaya Night Marathon.

  2. A race to a marriage proposal ... ha! a special occasion indeed. We were all at awe when a young chap ran across the finish line with a bouquet of roses in his arm. Upon crossing the finish line, he made the beeline for a pretty lass among the spectators, knelt down and you got it! A newly engaged couple! Wonder when's the wedding day? Who knows ... perhaps one of these days, a bride and groom might be running with you to a wedding reception at the finish line. Wow! then all the runners can toast "Yam Seng" to the lucky couple.

  3. During the New Balance KPAC Half-Marathon on 7 June 2009, Captain Steven gave his half-marathon medal to Lavin as a reward promised to her for finshing the 10km race as a phanthom runner.

    Today, Lavin so graciously extended her appreciation to our captain with her own medal achieved today. They are truly passionate runners with big hearts.

Everyone who crossed the finish line today went home with a finisher medal. Well done ya all!

Our photo album is ready for your viewing pleasure. Click here and enjoy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009

The annual Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 completed successfully on 6 December 2009 where 2 members from Kota Kemuning Pacers made their first attempt triumphantly.

Edmund ... The Running Rooster, who started his running hobby in February 2008 had only recently on 28 June 2009 completed the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon well within his target of 4:30 hours. Although he had not met his targeted completion in 4:15 hours for this marathon, his feat that finished at 4:22:22 hours is indeed as glorious. Well done and CONGRATULATIONS Edmund! We certainly share your aspiration to complete the next year's Singapore Marathon at sub-4 hours.

For CG Lim, the Singapore Marathon was his maiden try in a full marathon. Having only started his running hobby in October 2008, Lim's running abilities has certainly developed from strength to strength and culminated in his completion of the 42.195km race in 4:55:55 hours. Only a week upon his return from the race, Lim is already in training for the coming Putrajaya Night Marathon in February 2010. CONGRATULATIONS! You've definitely caught the running bug!

To our 2 members and certainly to all who had crossed the finish line at the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009, you can now proudly say, "I am a finisher!"

Monday, December 14, 2009

2010 Event Calendar and Registration Information

LATEST Event Calendar for 2010 - a list of races/runs have been lined up! You may refer to the side bar (mouse over each event or click into our Activities Section for further details).

QUICK! The list is and the registrations are going fast!

Kota Kemuning Pacers' Admin Office will assist our members with the registrations whenever there are 5 or more members who are interested to participate for each event. If there are lesser participants, the members are encouraged to send in their respective entries personally.

Please also note as follows:

  1. Members interested to register for any runs are requested to inform our Admin Office or email to us as early as possible or latest 2 weeks before the closing date.

  2. No further notice/reminder will be issued. Once the club's registrations have been submitted to the organisers, other interested members will have to proceed to register on their own.

  3. All registration fees are to be paid at the Admin Office between 9.00am to 5.00pm (Mon-Fri) or during our regular nite run, once you have officiated your participations.

Enjoy another year of wonderful runs and healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Talk At The Matahari Club, Bukit Rimau

Yesterday evening, Kota Kemuning Pacers were invited to give a talk about running activities during a 'POTBLESS' organised by the church members from the Assembly of God. It was an unexpected surprise to have been given the recognition to conduct such a talk.

Once again, we would like to thank the organisers of the 'POTBLESS' for extending us the opportunity to 'PLY OUR TRADE'. We sincerely hope that we have succeeded to relay the message to all the attendees on the general idea of "STAYING HEALTHY THROUGH SHARING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THE COMMUNITY".

As our slogan goes, "Running is real and relatively simple" and it's applicable to everyone. Running is indeed real as each and everyone of us are born with this natural gift. Simple because we are in control ... we are constantly in the driver's seat ... we decide when we choose to just get up and GO!

For all the other members of Kota Kemuning Pacers who could not join us at the 'POTBLESS', here's a little glimpse into the array of home-cooked food and the activities held yesterday.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Larian Rakyat: Another Star Is Born!

Larian Rakyat was held this morning at I-City, Section 7, Shah Alam in conjunction with the 64th birthday of DYMM Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

An estimated 1,500 people signed up for the run consisting the 7km, 10km and family-run categories. Proceeds from the run will be donated to the "Tabung Bantuan Bencana Alam" and other charitable organisations.

In today's Larian Rakyat, another star was born! Sandy who decided to participate in the 7km run at the last minute, bagged her very first medal today. She also brought her "lucky star" with her as she won a present at the Lucky Draw. CONGRATULATIONS SANDY! May this be a stepping stone to more medals in the near future.

Another feat was achieved by our super-heroine, "Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl" who completed the women 10km category in the 5th position. This time she bagged a cash prize of RM100.00 too. Hey Girl, you rock! Run on!

Also not forgetting our Captain's 'ling' ... Cheryl! She too finished well at the 10th position in her category for the 7km run and 'ran away' with one of the limited medals on offer. CONGRATS Cheryl!

Catch all the actions on this link and see if you can find yourself running towards the finish line. CHEERS!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Salomon X-Trail Run 2009

For the past week, it certainly looks like it is going to be a muddy affair at the Salomon X-Trail Run in Taman Lembah Kiara. Fortunately, came 6 December 2009, we were blessed with a beautiful morning, albeit some slight drizzle by mid-morning. I guess for some it certainly made the trail run all the more exciting. Well, rain or shine, some of our members had come prepared with their "Adidas Kampong".

The inaugural Salomon X-Trail Run 2009 took off almost 20 minutes late, with close to 800 participants taking part in the 10km and 4km runs. The marshalls did not seem to be well briefed as they were even unsure in which direction the run will start. Some participants came back frustrated when they were pointed in the wrong direction inside the trail. One angry participant complained that he was directed onto the same path twice, losing his time and energy. Even the top 3 runners were not spared as they cross the finish line in the wrong direction, catching everyone by surprise!

Even before the race day, most participants had already felt they were short-changed when they collected their T'shirts. They were not issued according to the requested sizes. The smallest was 'M' and being of larger cut, the T'shirts would definitely be oversized, especially for most women participants.

All participants who completed the run will be entitled to the Salomon pouch. With an entrance fee of RM60.00, one would expect to take home a good condition pouch. When one of our member requested for a replacement for his defective pouch, the counter-staff tried to do a on-the-spot repair work! Cheap ... really cheap.

Anyway, amid all the frustrations and grouses, well done to all our members and everyone who completed the run, irrespective they were on the right route, delayed or lost. Let's hope the organisers will be more organised and coordinated next year.

Our photo album is now ready for viewing in Part 1 & Part 2. Click and see if you can find yourself crossing the finish line. Cheerio!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Meeza BOLEH!!!

On Sunday, 22 November 2009, while some of us were at the Penang Bridge International Marathon, one of our members were having fun at the inaugral 'Larian Ceria 1 Malaysia DUKETHON 2009' organised by Konsortium Lebuhraya Utara – Timur Kuala Lumpur (KL) Sdn Bhd (KESTURI).

The 5km run was held at Batu Tol Plaza, DUKE Highway from 8.00 am and was officiated by YB Minister of Works, Dato' Shaziman Abu Mansor. The event was intended to promote the DUKE Highway among the road users. Approximately, 2,000 participants took part drawn by the cash prizes amounted to RM200,000.00.

A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to our young lady, Meeza who came in at the 35th position at the run. Though our camerawoman could not be there to cover the event and capture her proud moments, here are some of the pics shared by Meeza.


Kuala Lumpur Masters (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Association of Veteran Athletes or KLAVA) is organising a City Day Relay with a Difference by combining the relay with charitable effort.

Organised in conjunction with the 36th years Kuala Lumpur City Day celebration and supported by FTAAA, KL Masters will be distributing wheelchairs to individuals/homes.

Date: 31 JANUARY 2010 (SUNDAY)

Venue: Bukit Jalil Sports Complex

Distance: 3km x 3

No of runners: 3 runners per team

Time: 7.00am

Reporting Time: 5.30am - 6.30am


Entry Fees:
RM10 per runner/RM30 per team (MEMBERS)
RM20 per runner/RM60 per team (NON-MEMBERS)

Top 3 Teams in each category (EXCEPT School Boys, School Girls & OKU) will receive -

2nd PLACING - RM600
3rd PLACING - RM400

- Placement Medals for position 4th - 20th
- Participation Medals for all

1) School Girls (12 - 17 years old) (1.1.1998 to 31.12.1993)
2) School Boys (12 - 17 years old) (1.1.1998 to 31.12.1993)
3) Women Open ( Below 35 years old) (Born before 31.12.1975)
4) Women Open Masters (35 years & above) (Born after 1.1.1974)
5) Men Open (Below 35 years) (Born before 31.12.1975)
6) Men Junior Masters (35 - 44 years old) (Born 1.1.1974 to 31.12.1965)
7) Men Senior Masters (45 - 49 years old) (Born 1.1.1966 to 31.12.1950)
8) Men Masters Diamond (60 years & above) (Born 1.1.1949 and before)
9) Mixed Team (At least 0NE lady)
10) Special People (OKU)

Payment by Cash/cheque can be made to -
KL Association of Veteran Athletes

Banker -
Standar Chartered Bank

Account No -

Fax copy of bank-in slip to 03-8926 1953

For more information/registration, please call - Lt.(CD) Dr. Aloysius, President, Kuala Lumpur Masters @ 016 232 3069 or email to

P/S : Should you need any assistance in registration, please feel free to drop Julie Wong a line at or 016 228 4088 (Julie)

Info and details from Julie Wong

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Congratulations to LAVIN !

TWO races within a 4-day interval and both scored a TOP 3rd placing! Fantastic!!

A big salute to our very own speed-fiend from Kota Kemuning - Adreana Lavin or better known as "Lavin The Sexy Plaster Girl" ... sound kinda like a super-heroine huh?

CONGRATULATIONS on your achievements in the recent races, Lavin ...

26th Nov - Admiral-New Balance 5km Run at Selangor Turf Club - 3RD PLACING (Individual event)

29th Nov - Klava Back to Nature Relay at Metropolitan Batu, Tmn Mastiara - 3RD PLACING (Teaming with Der Pacemakers Network)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009

Months of talking and waiting ... we were finally there at the Penang Bridge International Marathon last Sunday, 22 November 2009.

There were several first timers from Kota Kemuning Pacers Club. First time at 42km, first time at 21km ... they all came in triumphantly! Steven, Raymond and Bernard ran the full marathon and each received their 'Gold Medal' for finishing within the qualifying time.

Vivienne and Cheryl, both attempted their first half-marathon and they've certainly vowed for more. No doubt it was not the first half-marathon for Nicholas, it was his first on the Penang Bridge. All three of them finished within the qualifying time and received their respective medals.

The most amazing participant will definitely be an 82-year-old Uncle right from our neighbourhood. Many of you from Kota Kemuning would recognised him as he can be seen running regularly at the lake. He had ran the 10km in the Standard Chartered KL Marathon and this time round, he attempted the 21km. He may not have finished within the qualifying time but his determination is definitely awe-inspiring. His son, Michael also ran the 21km and completed with a medal in his pocket.

To all the participants above and all who ran in the Penang Bridge International Marathon, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It does not matter which placing you achieved or how long you took ... you are already a WINNER for crossing the starting line.

To Ed and CG Lim who could not make it for the half-marathon due to work commitments, ALL THE BEST to you when you attempt the full marathon at the forthcoming Singapore Marathon on 6 December 2009.

Our photo album is ready and you can catch some of the actions here.


Our friend, Julie Wong would like to share with us an upcoming charity race on 6th December. Perhaps you may want to join in the fun contribute to a good cause.

A Project by the Mass Communication Students of KDU for their Public Relations class. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness for a medical condition called CEREBRAL PALSY. Its a condition that can affect any child between birth and 3 years old when the brain is still developing. This event will be an attempt to break the Malaysian Book of Records.

Event: 6 km walk for a cause.
Venue: Central Park Avenue, BU (The park opposite 1Utama)
Date: 6th December 2009
Time: 8am - 2.30
Ticket: RM 10 per person (Inclusive of an umbrella and a goodie bag)
Beneficiary: Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah.
For more information, contact Mathew Ong @

The above information provided by Julie Wong.

Hip Hip Hooray to AGNES !!

Congratulations to Agnes!

Agnes participated in the recent Bukit Kinding Trail Run in Perak and scored a 5th place!! Yay! Keep it up Agnes.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Run4It ~ 12km Run 2009

Once again, a heartious congratulation to Lavin. She did it again ... 10th placing ... a top ten position!

And to Vivienne, well done! Though one placing short of the top ten positions ... you will defintely make it at the top the next time. Keep it up! To all Kota Kemuning Pacers, another race in the bag. Well done!

However, there'll be a bitter sweet memory for some runners who participated in the race on Sunday, 15th November 2009. Some cars were broken into during the race and unfortunately, some Kota Kemuning Pacers also fell victim to the theft. It was such a shock. Wallets, handphones, car keys, house keys ... gone!

Our appreciation goes out to other members who had volunteered their assistance and moral support during the unexpected situation.

A lesson learnt ... we'll remember never to keep our valuables in the car in the future.

Our photo album is ready. To access, please click here.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Sponsorship from Tri Action Sportz

Kota Kemuning Pacers is delighted to extend our sincere appreciation to Tri Action Sportz for their generous sponsorship towards the printing of our official T-shirts.

Tri Action Sportz is a group of multi-sports athletes who share our common passion to promote healthy and balanced lifestyle. To find out more about them, visit this link.

In the meantime, check out our official T-shirt below:-

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mizuno Wave Run 2009

Kota Kemuning Pacers registered 37 members for the run and while some had to opt out at the last minute due to work commitments, injuries and family matters, the rest of the registrants who had been gungho about the run for weeks, turned up in high spirit.

We made it to the new venue at Universiti Putra Malaysia in Serdang in a convoy of 8 cars. 4000 people were reported to have turned up for the run. There were some fresh faces in our group of runners. Though gungho and high spirited, whiff of jitters still permeates the air due to the news of undulating routes, especially when nearing the finish.

A hearty CONGRATULATIONS goes out to all our runners!

Click here not only to catch our runners in action but many other runners who triumphantly crossed the finish line.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Klang Centro Community Run 2009

The first Klang Centro Community Run 2009, aimed to promote healthy pursuits and sporting activities in Klang whilst at the same time foster unity among neighbors, was held this morning at Centro Building, Klang.

Kota Kemuning Pacers was there. Among a yellow sea of participants from all over the Klang Valley, our 19 runners were ready for the challenge with families in-tow to provide their moral support. While the adults were registered in their respective category for the 6km run, 3 of our kids joined the fun run in the school boys and school girls categories. Well done to Victor, Deric, Timothy and Rachel, the future road-racers of Kota Kemuning!

Behold! Another proud moment to be chronicled into the history of Kota Kemuning Pacers Club. Our very own speed-fiend, Lavin came in with the top-10 runners in the 6th placing. It's the second time that she has emerged within the top-10 positions after catching the running bug since May this year. The first was during Adidas KOTR in August.

CONGRATULATIONS LAVIN!!! We are so proud of you and we are confident that all future races in your category has a top placing already carved out for you. Keep it up!

As for the rest of us, what is Klang without Bah Kut Teh. More than 20 of us rewarded ourselves with a sumptious breakfast at the famous Teluk Pulai Bak Kut Teh at nearby Taman Rasna. Talk about sporting activities, YES! Talk about healthy pursuits ... huh?

For more, check out today's activities at our Photo Album by clicking on this link.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ekiden Run 2009

Hey Everyone!!!

After a month's break from competitive runs, we are back in action at the Ekiden Run 2009 last Sunday. Triumphant day too when our all-ladies team "KK Pacers Subarashi" came in the 6th place among 16 teams who participated. Only damper ... we missed the trophy by one placing.

The mixed and all-men teams also did very well. Mixed team "KK Pacers Rush Hour" grabbed the 15th placing from about 150 participating teams, while "KK Pacers V" came in at the 44th placing, out of 93 teams in the all-men category.

Congratulations to all our members who took part in the event!

Catch our activities there. Bare-bodied man, woman undressing, woman wearing pants ... see if you can catch the likes at our Photo Album.

Click here.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Birthday To Our September Babies!

So fast?!! Another month gone by with just a wink of the eye! The Ramadhan fasting is over and the Hari Raya Aidil-Fitri just passed. Tomorrow will be a brand new month, October.

Time really flies and Kota Kemuning Pacers undoubtedly is growing. Tonight, new faces joined the old faces to celebrate the birthday get-together for all our September babies ... Wenny, Sandy, Meeza and Yoga. Unfortunately, Yoga could not make it tonight due to some personal commitment. The cake was lovely and rich ... an American Chocolate Cake. For our members who could not make it tonight, here's a picture of the cake for your viewing pleasure ... temptingly delicious, don't you agree?

Check out the evening on this link.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Terry Fox Run

Date : 1 November 2009
Venue : Lake Gardens (Taman Tasik Perdana)

An annual run of hope, held in KL in aid of Cancer Researh, is a non-competitive event named after a young man diagnosed with bone cancer who had his leg amputated above his right knee. His name is Terry Fox.

He ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research and managed a marathon a day for 143 consecutive days, but was forced to abandon the run when his condition became critical. He died at the age of 21. Now, The Terry Fox Run is participated by countries around the world, embracing Terry's hope in finding a cure for cancer.

To date, more than $400 million has been raised worldwide for cancer research in Terry's name through the annual Terry Fox Run, held across Canada and around the world."

Participate in the run, keep Terry Fox's dream alive!

To donate to the run, email
or contact the Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF) at 603 5630 6774. For further information, visit the Terry Fox Run KL website at

Friday, September 25, 2009

Saucony Pacemakers Network Run 2010

The Pacemakers Network is organizing a run on the first day of 2010! What is better than starting the new year with a great run? So, let's check it out, runners.

Date : Friday, 1 January 2010
Time : 7:30am Sharp
Start Point / End : Tapak A, Lake Garden
Registration List :
Enquires : 016-2166277 Wong Kei Ming OR 012-2795208 Ronnie See
Online Registration : Click Here!

For more details, please visit Der Pacemakers Network's blog.

Klang Pacers Athletic Club's Run4it Road Race

Klang Pacers Athletic Club's 3rd edition of Run4it 12km road race is here again!

Date: 15th November 2009 (Sunday)
Venue: Padang Sultan Suleiman
Starting Time: 7.00 am
Reporting Time: 6.00 am till 6.45 am
Early Bird: Only RM25.00 if you sign up on or before 9th October 2009
Normal registration fee: RM20.00 for KPAC members and RM30.00 for non members
Closing Date: 3rd November 2009 or first 2,000 entries which ever comes first.

Registration is now opened. You may obtain entry forms from any New Balance outlets or KPAC club house. Otherwise, interested runners can register during the Klang Centro bib collection day (9th and 10th Oct) or during the Klang Centro race day itself (11th Oct)

Alternatively, registration can also be made by depositing the registration fee to KPAC's bank account (Hong Leong Bank) number 03600073946 and fax both your entry form and bank in slip to 03 3371 1128 (KPAC's club house).

or register by hand in your complete entry form to New Balance outlet at Aeon Shopping Centre,Bukit Tinggi,Klang 03 3326 2955

Please do not hesitate to call us if you need further assistance
Club House: 03 3371 1128
TK Ong: 012 339 2673
Jimmy Yang: 012 931 2993
TC Ng: 019 231 9138
Hansom: 012 273 0038
Kmtee: 012 389 7788

For outstation runners
SH Lim: 016 331 9898

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Day Trip To Sungai Klah Hotsprings

As usual, meeting place was at McDonald's Kota Kemuning. Everyone dutifully came on time and with some last minute updates, we started on our journey to the much anticipated Sungai Klah Hotspring Park in Sungkai, Perak.

In a convoy of 4 cars, we headed straight towards Tanjung Malim for our breakfast at Yik Mun Restaurant, especially famous for its 'pau'. Thinking that it might be somewhat ready for business when we arrived at about 8.30 am, we were all in for a damper. They would not be ready for business until 9.30 am. Hungry stomachs and coffee cravings still needed attention, so we had our breakfast at a nearby coffee shop.

We arrived at the Sungai Klah Hotspring Park at about 10.15 am before heading off for some trekking, hoping to find a waterfall for a nice cold dip. Much to our disappointment, there were no signages to guide us along the way. However, we did managed to find our way to the river bank where everyone enjoyed refreshing cold water gushing at their feet. As we made our way further along the trail, we came across an 'orang asli' settlement and a group of students from UPSI undertaking their test in white water rafting. Sure looks dangerous! We continued trekking upstream for another hour looking for the elusive waterfall. Unexpectedly, we were met with a dead-end to our trail. We decided to turn back to the hotspring park as the trail ahead were dangerously rocky and were not suitable for the young ones.

We made our way back the hotspring park by 1.30 pm where we had a little tea-break at the canteen. Then, it was off to the hotspring pools. There was yet another dissappointment for the day ... the cold pool was closed for renovation. We could only get to enjoy the hotspring and therapeutic pools. No doubt they had reduced the entrance fee accordingly, but half the fun was gone without the cold pool , especially for the children. Anyhow, the children still enjoyed themselves at the hot pool while the adults relaxed into sleep mode ... too long dip into pool can caused drowsiness.

We left the hotspring park at 6.30 pm and popped by our favourite 'makcik's' home, hoping to find some durians for dessert. Too bad again. Our favourite 'makcik' had gone for her 'umrah' and was only due back that night. What about the durians? They were still hanging on the trees! NO DURIANS FOR DESSERT FOLKS!!!

We popped in at our regular restaurant in Slim River for dinner. It was a sumptious dinner with their ever popular 'River Tapah Fish in Claypot', 'Terrapin Braised with Herbs', 'Pork-leg Braised with Turnips' and fresh garden veggies. Not satisfied that we had missed the famous Tanjung Malim 'pau' in the morning, everyone was unanimous to have a cuppa and some of those famous 'pau' before heading for home.

We finally called it a day when we left for home by 9.30 pm. Catch our day's fun at our Photo Album or go ahead and click here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

October Races - Runners Lists

Our RUNNERS LISTS for races in October 2009 listed below are now available for viewing/checking (Please click on the link):

4th Oct 2009 - Ekiden Run 2009

11th Oct 2009 - Klang Centro 6km Run

25th Oct 2009 - Mizuno Wave Run

These are the latest information we have at hand. However, some of our runners may have registered on their own, and your name/s are not listed here. Please inform KK Pacers Admin (Cheryl) to include your participations.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

5th Pacemakers Anniversary Run

Hi everyone, the photos to the PAR5 relay just been posted. It was definitely a fun-filled run with members goofing around after the tension of completing their own leg in the relay. As unsual, our small platoon had their own share of fun too under the watchful eyes of Elijah. We had a pleasant surprise today when Mrs CG Lim joined us for the first time to give her moral support. It indeed motivated Mr. Lim very much because he ran the distance twice when he accompanied Keith from KK Pacers Junior on the last leg. We definitely look forward to seeing more of her at the finish line or perhaps capturing her moment of glory crossing the finish line.

There were 33 teams participating in the competitive category. Our elite team, KK Pacers Uno came in the 8th position for this relay race with KK Pacers Racers in the 18th position, followed by KK Pacers Xtra at the 27th position and KK Pacers Junior in 29th position. KK Pacers X managed at the 32nd position, despite being misguided onto the wrong route by one of the marshalls. Grace ended up running an extra distance uphill and came in fuming in the rain. Thank God it rain cats and dogs. She threw the baton to the ground and gave a piece of her mind to the organiser. However, she was quick to recover her composure and apologise to them. She's definitely one Amazing Lady!

The organiser had also apologised for the miscommunication and had duly agreed to add some lead time to the team's timing. Our appreciation goes out to the organiser.

To all our runners at the relay, CONGRATULATIONS! To the others who had patiently brave the rain to give their moral support, a BIG THANK YOU!! Go ahead, catch our fun here. You can also click here for more selected photos, courtesy of pmTey22 of Der Pacemakers Network.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Day Trip To Sungai Klah Hot Springs

The FAMILY OUTING to Sungai Klah Hot Springs in Sungkai, Perak is finally on again!

It will be a ONE DAY trip only to this tourist spot located in the vicinity of this small town in Perak, Malaysia. Sungkai is located between Bidor and Trolak, just after Slim River. It is accessible via the North-South Expressway's Sungkai Interchange (Exit 128). The hot springs park is strategically located within easy access from the old trunk road, only 16.5km or 20 minutes away from the Toll Exit.

On the North-South Expressway, get off at the Sungkai Toll Exit and turn left at the junction. Just 1km down the trunk road, turn left and follow the signs. The park is just after the Sungai Klah FELDA village.

The day trip will be on Saturday, 5 September 2009. As usual, the meeting point will be at McDonald's Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam. Transportation is your own and we will depart punctually at 7.00 am. We will immediately head towards Tanjung Malim for breakfast before embarking on a leisure trek at the nearby jungle trail. Drenched in sweat from the trekking, we will proceed to the hot springs park to refresh in the cool water from the nearby mountain springs. We can continue to unwind and relax at its natural spa while the children have their fun at the big pools till the park closes. Dinner will be at the nearby town of Slim River before we continue on our way home for the day.

Before you decide, you can click on this link to know more about the Sungai Klah Hot Springs. Interested parties can contact our KK Pacers Admin office, no later than 3 September 2009 in order facilitate our coordination and preparations.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trekking Bukit Gasing

T'was a great workout today. A small group of us went trekking up Bukit Gasing in Petaling Jaya. The group were mainly made up of Mike's clients while our friend, Ves brought along his wife, Geraldine for the hike.

After exiting the trail, some ice-cold watermelons was served for refreshment. Upon parting ways, some us headed straight for the popular Raju's Banana Leaf Rice nearby. T'was a very sumptious brunch!

To catch our fun up Bukit Gasing today, click here to access our photo album.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

KK Pacers Potluck Bash

It was a night of merriment when all Kota Kemuning Pacers turned up for the inaugral Potluck Bash. It was a huge SUCCESS!

Faces we've not seen, names we've only heard but yet to meet. For some, spouses and children were in tow lending their warm support. It was the perfect atmosphere for all as smiles and handshakes were exchanged throughout the evening. New friends were made while there were some renewed contacts.

FOOD! The food galore was definitely the excitement of the day. Everyone had looked forward to the different dishes pledged for the past weeks and WOW!!!

We had a "INTERNATIONAL BUFFET" right by the Kota Kemuning Lake! There were Western delights like sandwiches, muffins and coleslaw, Chinese 'loh mai kai' and 'mui choy', Indian idli and capati with dhall curry, Malay fried meehoon, chicken rendang, curry chicken and roti jala, Italian spaghetti bolognaise and pizzas, Japanese sushi, Mexican empanadas, Thai pandan chicken as well as 'agar-agar', 'konyaku jelly' and lots of fruits for desserts.

The evening could not be complete until everyone joined in a small birthday sing-along for our August babies (Edmund, Elijah, Nathan & Raymond) with a whopper 1.5kg Boston Cheesecake to top the evening's gastronomic affair.


As for all the members of the Kota Kemuning Pacers who had made it to the bash, thank you all very much for making the evening a huge success. Another round of thanks goes out to your family too. For those who could not make it this time, don't be disappointed ... we can look forward to seeing you at the next get-together! This success only comes to show the strong support we have received from the communities of Kota Kemuning, Bukit Rimau, Kemuning Greenville, Kemuning Utama and Taman Sri Muda. In fact, we are very proud to boast the strong support from our members from as far as Puchong!

KUDOS TO ALL OUR MEMBERS! Click here to check out the memorable evening.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Upcoming Races / Runs

We have a list of upcoming races / runs as compiled below. Anyone interested to participate are requested to inform KK Pacers Admin Office for registration, before the dateline set:

4th Oct 2009 - 4th International EKIDEN Run 2009 (Relay Marathon)
Venue: Istana Kehakiman
Time : 8.00am
Distance: 5 x 3km
Registration: FTAAA & Hooha (Online) or download the entry form, complete and submit to our admin office before 30th Aug 2009
Official Closing Date : 24th Sept 2009
Download Entry Form

11th Oct 2009 - Klang Centro 6km Run
Venue : Centro Time : 7.45am
Distance : 6km

Registration : Registered through Mr Oon. 22 of our KK Pacers are in the run.
Please submit payment to our admin office / Cheryl

25th Oct 2009 - Mizuno Wave Run - 10km
Venue : Stadium UPM, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang
Time : 7.30am
Distance : 10km
Registration : Pacesetters Athletic Club or World of Sports or Mizuno outlet or download form
, complete and submit to our admin office before 12th Sept 2009
Official Closing Date : 12th Oct 2009
Download entry form

22nd Nov 2009 - Penang Bridge International Marathon
Venue : Penang
Register online : click here
Official Closing Date : 22nd Oct 2009
NOTE : Please inform admin after you have register online. We will be arranging for accomodation in Penang. Bring your family along for a weekend trip together.

12th Dec 209 - 2nd Putrajaya International 12 Hour Walk 2009
Venue : Dataran Putrajaya
Registration : Persatuan Lumba Jalan Kaki Malaysia or Persatuan Olahraga Amatur Wilayah Persekutuann
Rules & Regulations, click here
Download Entry Form, complete and submit to our admin office before 1st Nov 2009
Official Closing Date : 1st Dec 2009

20th Dec 2009 - Malakoff 12km Kuala Lumpur
Venue : Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club, Kuala Lumpur
Registration : Pacesetters Athletic Club.
For more information, click here
Download Entry Form
, complete and submit to our admin office before 30th Oct 2009
Official Closing Date : 6th Dec 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Calling all members of Kota Kemuning Pacers!
Come out, come out and bring along your family too!

scuba diving at Stoney Cove Kota Kemuning Pacers will be having a get-together bash to round up all our members in the spirit of teambuilding and neighbourliness with a humble aim to get to know one another better. It'll also be a great opportunity for the respective family members to be part of our running community. Running will be off the menu! So come and relax at our Potluck Bash on:

Date: 15 August 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 7.00 p.m. onwards
Venue: Basketball Court by the Kota Kemuning Lake (directly opposite McDonald's)

Being a Potluck Bash, each member coming for this evening of socialising and bonding are requested to bring at least ONE DISH. Your personal speciality or your better-half's speciality or straight from the shop, they are all appreciatively welcomed. We are estimating a turn up of about 20 persons. Click here to check the confirmed menu.

Please contact our KK Pacers Admin Office to let us confirm your attendance (latest by 08-08-2009) and your special dish. "Food also need administration wor!" Else, we might end-up eating 20 types of fried rice or 20 types of curry chicken! scuba diving in Hawaii

See ya all soon! scuba diving forum

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Fun & Run At Felda Residence Hot Springs

Sorry Cancelled!

This trip has been postponed due to unforseen circumstances. Our apologies.

Kota Kemuning Pacers intends to organised a FAMILY OUTING to FELDA Residence Hot Springs in Sungkai, Perak. Sungkai is a small town in Perak, Malaysia. This small town is located between Bidor and Trolak, just after Slim River. It is accessible via the North-South Expressway's Sungkai Interchange (Exit 128).

The FELDA Residence Hot Springs is strategically located within easy access from the old trunk road, only 16.5km or 20 minutes away from the Toll Exit. On the North-South Expressway, get off at the Sungkai Toll Exit and turn left at the junction. Just 1km down the trunk road, turn left and follow the signs. The park is just after the Sungai Klah FELDA village.

The FAMILY OUTING will be planned for the Hari Raya Puasa weekend break from 19-21 September 2009. It will be a 3 days 2 nights (3D2N) stay at the resort. While it is planned for a fun family escapade with loads of activities at the resort, the highlight of the outing will be a GROUP MORNING RUN along the kampung roads and trails amidst fresh air and the greens of oil palm and fruit trees.

Kota Kemunings Pacers would like to urgently gather favourable response from our members and anyone from our community who are interested to join us on this outing. Before you decide, do check out the resort's facilities and its available activities at this link. The cost of the accommodation for 3D2N is estimated about RM500 per person including entrance fee and breakfast. Transportation will be separately arranged depending on the total response.

Interested parties please contact our KK Pacers Admin office no later than 16 August 2009.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Sudden Bereavement So Felt By The Running Communities

Forever Young
by Renee 'nay' Kristen Kristen

Trapped in the glorious years
within the memory of belief, lost of all grief.
Take the reasons,
which once seemed so clear,
but never mind, you have nothing to fear.
For you my friend will be, forever young,
Forever in the heart of memories.

Lost in the glory of all time,
the wisdom was there within that smile,
You see you could have told us,
there within lies the mystery.

So shed a smile, and grin a tear,
For you my friend, will be,
Forever young, Forever young.
Forever in the heart of memory,
We see not through or misery.
Forever young, forever young.
There's a new angel tonight.

This poem is a special dedication for Gary Leon Robert who was so suddenly taken away from us yesterday after completing his run at the Shah Alam King Of The Road half-marathon. It's sad that he had been alone when he left us but he will no more be alone for he is now placed among the angels in heaven.

Our deepest condolence to his beloved family and friends. May he find eternal peace in the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Shah Alam King Of The Road 2009

Shah Alam King Of The Road 2009, the much awaited half-marathon is finally here. Everybody was looking forward to an exciting run this morning, what with the anticipated undulating route that's going to be of great challenge to all the runners of Kota Kemuning Pacers, veterans or the noobs.

We had quite a surprise the evening before when Cheryl informed that there'll be a few school-boys from Ipoh who will be joining us at the race. Wow! It's such an honour that one of our neighbours,Sandy had chosen to seek our assistance to lead the out-of-towners. In fact, she also joined the 6km run at the very last minute, albeit using a J category bib (Senior Boys). Today, we also had more noobs for the race, young and old and school kids.

At the run, some did fantastically well while some slacked and others maintain their performances. A very warm congratulations goes out to Lavin for finishing at the 10th position. The latest good news was she had been moved up a notch to the 9th position since the runner in the 3rd position had been disqualified! A pat on the back for Riq too for his efforts in pacing Lavin towards this goal (not forgetting the 20 odd kicks in the butt he claimed Lavin had given him ... hahaha!!!). Anyhow, well done on the teamwork.

Many many congratulations also goes out to Keiko, Shaunie and Marcus for achieving their very first running medal today. As for the noobs like Keith, Jia Mei, Jesslyn and Ai Ling, well done for completing the race in your respective categories.

Beneath all these, however, there was one big regret. CAMERA-FAILURE!!! Man, what a terrible time for the camera to boycott our camerawoman. T'was confirmed as a manufacturer failure for the Nikon D5000 cameras. Guess the camera will be going into intensive care soon. By the way, the camerawoman would like to express her gratitude to our very young Shan (9-years-old only) for keeping watch on her today ... her very own BODYGUARD wor!

Whatever photos that had been taken before the power failure, check it out here.
And to see the achievement of our runners, please click here.

Regretfully, a rather disturbing news was received just about an hour ago. A runner in the Men Open Half-Marathon (22km) category had gone MISSING! No one knows his whereabout. As at this moment, the search is still on and his parents had already filed a missing person report with the police. We pray that he is in good care and that there's a good explanation to the anxieties caused.

Everyone and anyone, if you have any information or knowledge on the whereabout of this runner, please contact the person and mobile as posted in this blog. Any assistance will be well appreciated.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shape Night Run 2009

It was indeed a fun night at the Shape Run.

Kota Kemuning Pacers have indeed grown with new faces appearing in recent runs. A thumbs-up to Wilson, Doris, Cheou, May, Grace, Chik Siew and Nik. Family support was also in full force as there were 5 families tagging along for the fun. A great turnout! We have, of course the Captain and the Alt. Captain's family, the Choong family, Fun & son and Nik & son.

We even have a small platoon of soldiers ... small soldiers ... chipping in to help with the collection of goodies bags, hotdogs and not forgetting the freebies while the runners were doing what they do best, RUNNING! A big thank you to Shaunie who led her little platoon on their newfound role and also Elijah who kept a watchful eye over the safety of these young ones amidst the huge crowd.

The night was quite hot with a slight haze. A big appreciation goes out to Fun who caught up with our camerawoman stationed a distance before the finish line, to provide her with some cold refreshment. Thanks alot Fun, from the camerawoman.

Kota Kemuning Pacers will indeed be a team to look out for in all future races ... a group of neighbours bound by strong team spirit, a sense of camaraderies and definitely, a passion for running.

To see more of our neighbours at the run, click here.
For our team's results, click here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Siemens Run 2009

Check out the pics at the Siemens Run last Sunday, 19 July 2009.
To access our Photo Album, please click here.
To view the results / achievements, click here.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday To Our 'July Babies'

Check out the birthday bash yesterday for our very own July Babies!

For the ladies, a year SEXIER & WISER. For the torn among the roses, a year OLDER & WISER. Go to the link here and catch the belated fun.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Genting Trailblazer 2009

Date : 1 November 2009
Venue : Awana Genting Highlands

For more details, check out their website here.

Malakoff Kuala Lumpur 2009

MALAKOFF, Kuala Lumpur Race for 2009, organised by the Pacesetters Athletic Club, Malaysia will be held as follows:

Date: 20 December 2009 (Sunday)

Location: Start/Finish - Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort

Time: 7.00 am for the 12km and 7.15am for the 6km

Distances: 12km & 6km

For more details, check out their website here.

Borneo International Marathon 2009

The Borneo International Marathon 2009 will be held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo on Sunday 11th October 2009.

This capital city of the Malaysian State of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu is one of the fastest growing tourism destinations in South East Asia. It is blessed with beautiful natural features such as:

  • Mt.Kinabalu - The highest mountain in South East Asia located in Kinabalu Park, a World Heritage Site
  • Sipadan Island - One of the top 3 dive spots in the world
  • Sepilok - An Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre
  • Danum Valley Conservation Area - Home to the rare Borneo Pygmy Elephant
  • Maliau Basin - Sabah's "Lost World"
  • Diverse species of wildlife, marine life, flora and fauna
  • Pulau Tiga - the volcanic island setting for the 1st season of the Survivor TV show.

Strategically situated in the heart of South East Asia, Sabah offers an ideal nature and adventure tourism destination and is the perfect stopover for tourists heading to all of Asia’s other exotic destinations.

The Borneo International Marathon promises to offer not only a fantastic race venue, but also a memorable holiday for all. Whether your interests gravitate towards nature, sun or sea, holistic spa treatments, freshly harvested local seafood at unbeatable prices, as well as the opportunity to interact with some of the most hospitable people 5 degrees north of the equator, Sabah is truly a wonderful experience not to be missed.

For more details, check it out here.

McDonald's Olympic Day Run 2009

The pics and results for the run this morning at Dataran Merdeka are ready!
Kota Kemuning Pacers were there ... juniors and adults, newbies and veterans.
Check it out at our Photo Album or click here.
To view the results / achievements, click here.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009

Penang Bridge, at 13.5km, is one of the world longest bridge. More than 130,000 vehicles ply the Penang Bridge daily. Since it was opened to the public in September 1985, the Penang Bridge will be closed to traffic completely once a year for only one occasion ... The Penang Bridge International Marathon.

Date: 22nd November 2009
Venue : Queenbay Mall, Penang

The Penang Bridge International Marathon is the largest mass-participation sports event in Penang, bringing together more than 17,000 people from 25 different countries worldwide and all over the nation to run across the Penang Bridge!

Online Registration for Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009 available now!
Registration Date: 6th March 2009 ~ 22nd October 2009
Online Register at
Download the registration form here.

Friday, July 10, 2009

KK Pacers' Participation in the 5th Pacemakers Anniverysary Run 2009

We are sending 5 teams to the 5th PAR organised by Der Pacemakers Network on 30th August 2009 :

Team 1 : KK Pacers Uno
Team 2 : KK Pacers Racers
Team 3 : KK Pacers X
Team 4 : KK Pacers Juniors
Team 5 : KK Pacers Xtra

We Believed! We Can! We Will! We Believed!

Check out our team members in the Activities Section. Have fun while we run!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Kota Kemuning Representatives at SCKLIM

No doubt the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur International Marathon is over and new records made with old records beaten, the running event of the year still carries alot of news and discussions.

While the KL Marathon still remains a hot topic, check out these pictures of your neighbours who had taken up the challenges at the event on 28 June 2009.

Let's all be very very proud of them and hope that they will continue to run for their health, fitness and self-achievements. Click here to see them in action.

Monday, July 6, 2009

RESULTS - Anti Dadah Run and Ipoh International Run

Our team completed 2 more races! The results are now available for viewing. Pleace click here for Larian Antidadah Antarabangsa's results and here for Ipoh Internatinal Run 2009 results.

Looking forward to the coming races!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Runners' Lists - July 2009 Runs

WOW, our whole month of July is FULLY BOOKED! We have 'checked in' our Kota Kemuning Pacers to all the available runs/races as listed below :

4th July 2009 : Larian hari Antidadah Antarabangsa, Putrajaya

5th July 2009 : Ipoh International Run 2009, Ipoh

12th July 2009 : Olympic Day Run, Dataran Merdeka

19th July 2009 : Siemens Run 2009, Dataran Merdeka

25th July 2009 : Shape Nite Run 2009, Putrajaya

2nd August 2009 : Shah Alam Adidas King Of The Road, Stadium Shah Alam

Runners' Lists are available for viewing here. Check it out! GO, GO, GO !

Monday, June 29, 2009

Congratulations SCKLIM Runners!

Congratulations to all our runners for completing the SCKLIM successfully! We have updated the respective timings in our Activities Section for your reference.

Well Done!
From all of us, to all of us :)
29th June 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Standard Chartered KL Marathon - Runners' List

Our Runners' List is ready for viewing. Please check it out at Activities or just click here.

Larian TC Kuantan

Anyone's heading to the east coast for a holiday? Or heading back to your hometown on the east coast? Or never mind, you just want to look for a scenic run somewhere ... anywhere.

Go KUANTAN! Join Larian TC Kuantan on 19July 2009. Organised by Pacesetters Malaysia and sponsored by Digi, it's only a 10 km run with the sea wind on your face right on Teluk Chempedak, Kuantan, Pahang.

Collect your entry forms from Kuantan Digi Centre or log on to For any further details, please click here.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Member's Tale To Tell ...

Another member, Ms. Lavin has contributed to share her inspirational tale. Let's find more about her story at Staying Fit or just click here.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Larian Lebuhraya Merdeka Ke-3

Date: 1 August 2009
Time: 4:30 pm
Venue: SK Sultan Hishamuddin (Infront of Bank Negara)
Distance: 4.5 km

Minimum qualifying age is 35 years. Fee: RM 12.00
Offer of cash prize for top 3 winners and a finisher medal for top 20 winners.
For more details and the entry form, can download here.

Larian Hari AntiDadah Antarabangsa 2009

Check it out here for more information and to register online.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Community Message ...

Dear All,

A group of residents living in Kota Kemuning, Bandar Puteri Klang, Putra Heights, Kemuning Utama, Bukit Rimau, Bandar Botanic etc have set up a newsgroup to update those affected by the constant open burning in Johan Setia and Jalan Kebun.

For the last ten years, residents living around JS and JK have been experiencing acrid burning smell and constant respiratory related health issues. Please inform your readers if they have any friends or relatives living in these areas to be a member of the newsgroup to be keep informed of what has been done the past year since the change of state government.

Much progress has been made and and these residents have been working hand in hand with the state representative, YB Elizabeth Wong, to relay frequent updates regarding this matter.

For those interested, please read the past postings to keep abreast of the latest development at:

You can also visit MPK (Majlis Perbandaran Klang)'s dedicated site to keep all updated about the daily monitorings done by their Fire department at:, go to pembakaran terbuka in the middle of the man page.

This message was forwarded by Ms. Karen Lee of (Mobile: 017-8810246).

Community support is important for all of us to enjoy a quality life within our neighbourhood. So, let's all lend a hand to chip-in wherever we can. A little effort goes a long way.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Shape Nite Run 2009 Participants' List

Our Kota Kemuning Pacers' members will be participating in the Shape Nite Run. Please refer to our 'Activities' Section for your registered name and respective categories.


Monday, June 8, 2009

A Member's Tale To Tell ...

Talk about HEALTH. Talk about FITNESS.
Talk about RUNNING.

Each and everyone of us will have our very own story to tell when it comes to these 3 most talked about topics. Every member of Kota Kemuning Pacers Club will have their own reasons why RUNNING has become a part of their lifestyle and to some, it had gone on to become their passion.

Find out at 'Staying Fit' what our members have to share with you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Seremban Half-Marathon 2009

THE eagerly anticipated Seremban Half Marathon is back with more than RM11,000 up for grabs in prize money.

Scheduled to be flagged off by Tunku Naquiyuddin Tuanku Jaafar on 12 July 2009 at the Negri Sembilan Padang in Seremban, this year’s run marks the 22nd instalment of the event that has built up a loyal following over the years.

Runners can take part in either the 21km run with three categories or the 11km run which has six categories. There is also a special category for handicapped and wheelchair-bound participants.

Entry fees are RM5 (for participants below 19) and RM10 per entry for others. There is no fee for the special run for the handicapped. Entry forms can be obtained from the secretariat at 11, Jalan Dato’ Lee Fong Yee, Seremban, and the MPS office or downloaded from The closing date is 4 July 2009.

See ya all at the run!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

International Golden Towerthon 2009

International Golden Towerthon 2009 is a special charitable sport event jointly organized by mediPRO Unit, Elderly Society of Hulu Langat and Menara Kuala Lumpur to promote wellness and fitness lifestyle among a very special target group – the ageing population.

The event will be held at Menara Kuala Lumpur to encourage people towards a challenging physical activity and experience the real thrill of climbing the 5th tallest telecommunication tower in the world. All participants are required to climb approximately 2,058 steps to reach the top of this 421 meters tower.

The event is categorized into 5 main age categories, that is A category (men and women above 70), B category (men and women 60–69), C category (men and women 50-59), D category (men and women 40-49) and X category (men and women below 39).

Date : 26 July 2009 (Sunday)
Time : 7.00 am
Venue : Ground Floor, KL Tower
Closing Date: 25 July 2009

Register online or click here for the entry form. For more details, go to their website.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Shape Men's Health Night Run 2009

A year ago, the inaugural Shape-Men’s Health Run took centre-stage at the Lake Gardens in Kuala Lumpur. This 25 July 2009, the run is back with a twist! It’s a Night Run beginning at 6.00 pm up to midnight. The Shape Men’s Health Run 2009 presented by Nature Valley, will be held in front of Kompleks Perbadanan Putrajaya, Precint 3 in Putrajaya.

There are 5 categories with a 5 km fun run included for those 18 years and above. The Men’s Open, Women’s Open and Men’s Junior Veteran will be running the distance of 11.5 km while the Men’s Senior Veteran and Women’s Veteran will cover 7.7 km respectively. Sign-up now for the run and get a goodie bag worth over RM300.00. Hurry, the registration starts TODAY and it’s limited to the first 4,000 participants only!

For more details, visit and

See ya there at the run!

Olympic Day Run 2009

Since 2004, McDonald’s has held the Olympic Day Run as part of their community effort in promoting a Balanced, Active Lifestyle amongst Malaysians. It is also a global event marking their continuous effort in creating a larger awareness on the importance of leading an active lifestyle for the sake of our well-being.

It’s back again to be held on 12 July 2009 at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. Flag-off time will be from 7.00 am. There are 10 categories with distances of 7 km and 3 km. The winners will take home attractive prizes and a finisher’s medal will be awarded to those who qualify. A certificate of participation will be issued to all participants who complete the run within the stipulated time. Entry fee is only RM10.00 and all participants will received an Olympic Day Run Special Edition T-shirt.

Hurry, closing date is on 2 July 2009. For more details, please log-on to their website at or click here for the entry form.

See ya all there at the run!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kota Kemuning Shoestring Run 2009

The Shoestring Run 2009 organised by Touch n' Grow Community Support was a great success this morning. There were tremendous participation with many little ones in tow too. A huge congratulations to the organisers for making this event a great community gathering.

A big thanks too to the organisers from Kota Kemuning Pacers for allowing us to put up our banners during the event.

See if you can catch a glimpse of your family and you at our Photo Album. Just click here.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nite Run By The Lake!!!

We had another successful nite run by the lake. When we first started, there were only 6, then there were 12. Yesterday nite, we had 17 attendees. Equally exciting, the banners for our Kota Kemuning Pacers running community was also revealed. Check out the pics on this link.

Please bear with us the less than perfect pics taken. The camerawoman is still an amateur but definitely will do better next time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ipoh International Run 2009

5 July 2009 ... Kota Kemuning Pacers will be there!


As this is a popular run, we are making the necessary arrangements for registration and to secure the nearest accommodation at the soonest. Anyone interested to join us for the run and also camp-out with us, please contact Ray at 019-353 3188 or just shout-out herein at the earliest.

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Balance KPAC Half-Marathon

The closing date is drawing near for the New Balance KPAC Half-Marathon to be held on 7 June 2009. If you've not registered, hurry ... on or before this Sunday, 24 May 2009.

See you there at the Run!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ipoh International Run 2009

Ipoh International Run is here again.

The event has been organised by the Ipoh City Council since 1991 with participants from as far as the North American, African, European and Australian continents.

The event will be held on Sunday, 5 July 2009 in Ipoh, Perak. Flag-off time for the 21km and 10km will start from 6.45 am onwards. The run to start and end at the Dataran Bandaraya Ipoh, will be flagged off by His Royal Highness, the Regent of Perak Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah ibni Sultan Azlan Muhibbudin Shah.

For more details, please visit their website here.

See ya all there at the run!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Balance KPAC Half-Marathon

The Klang Pacers Athletic Club is organising for the 2nd year round the "New Balance Klang Half-Marathon" on 7 June 2009. This time it will be held at the Setia Alam Welcome Centre in Setia Alam Township in Shah Alam. Starting time at 6.30 am.

The event will be divided into 3 categories of 21km, 11km and 4.5km. Trophies and medals will be awarded to the top 10 winners for the 21km and 11 km categories and the certificates sent by mail within 3 months after the event.

If you're interest to participate in the run, please click on the picture or here to download the entry form. Closing date will be on 24 May 2009. Late entries may not be entitled for the running vest. So hurry!

See ya all there at the run!

Contact Us

Anyone keen to join us, please do feel free to contact us at or any of the following:

Steven: 012-332 9733
Cheryl: 012-3062386

Visitor Counter


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